Nemateleotris decora NEMDEC-100792-SHIGUN-001

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 7th, 1992 and is filed under Dartfishes, Spawning Reports.

The Breeder’s Registry® Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations from aquarist unless noted otherwise (see comments). Information may be reproduced providing the Breeder’s Registry is cited.

Breeder ID: NEMDEC-100792-SHIGUN-001

Date received: 10/7/92

Identification: Nemateleotris decora (Randall & Allen, 1973)

Geographic origin: Pacific 

Taxonomy: (after I.C.Z.N.)

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Osteichthyes Subclass Actinopterygii Infraclass Teleostei

Superorder Acanthopterygii Order Perciformes Suborder Gobioidei

Family Microdesmidae Subfamily Ptereleotrinae

Genus Nemateleotris

Species decora (Randall & Allen, 1973)


Duration male(yr): 1.8 (at time of spawning)

Size male (mm): 51

Duration female (yr): 1.8

Size female (mm): 48

Broodstock notes: Obtained May 1988

Physical differences: Male is heavier bodied; female more slender and slightly smaller.

Adult diet: Most commercially available foods

Pre-spawning activity: Approximately one hour before lights are off the vent tube the females vent tube becomes visible (~ 3 – 4 mm) and stomach is distended. Male and female stayed in open water, male become more aggressive, displaying fins in front of female. Depression in substrate prepared. (Same depression used for all three spawns observed)

Time spawning began: dusk

Area spawning occurred: in depression in substrate

Frequency of spawning: 14 days

Egg description: transparent and adhesive

Approximate quantity: not indicated

Size: 1 – 2 mm

Egg changes / development: Devoured by tank mates. No parental care observed.  

Spawning tank size (liter): 150

Sides of tank covered? Not indicated

Lighting & photo period: Gro-Lux® fluorescent and actinic fluorescent; 11 hours

Filtration: Undergravel filter, 4 section trickle filter. 20% water change every 3 weeks

Additives and dosages: none

Water temperature (F): 78

Specific gravity: 1.022

pH: 8.3

Nitrate: 5 ppm

Comments: Information for this report was taken from personal communication with Guenter Schiller, author of the SeaScope article listed below.

Original description: Randall & Allen described Nemateleotris decora in 1973 in the Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum, Volume XXVI: 3 – 4 pages 336 – 47- Figs. 3B in A Revision of the Gobiid fish genus Nemateleotris, with descriptions of two new species. This was based on specimen collected on the southwest side of Augulupelu Reef Palau Island, in the Caroline Islands, 7deg15’33″N, 134deg31’33″E, Palau Is., at a depth of 52 meters.. In May of 1972 Allen & Stark collected specimens from the same locale at a depth of 46 meters

Vernacular names: Decorated firefish, purple firefish

Word origin: The family Microdesmidae is from the Greek root(s) micro meaning small; and desmi meaning a band or bond. The subfamily Ptereleotrinaeis from the Greek roots pter meaning a wing or fin; eleo meaning distracted; tri meaning three; (three distracted fins ?). The genus Nemateleotris is from nemato meaning a thread; (see above for eleo-tris). The species decora is from the Latin word decor meaning elegant.

Suggested reading:

Debelius, Helmut, & Baensch, Hans A., Marine Atlas, 1994, Tetra Press, 3001 Commerce
Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060 USA, ISBN 1-56465-113-4. pp 1116-22

Schiller, Guenter, Spawning Behavior of the Decorated Firefish, 1990, SeaScope, Volume 7, Fall
1990. Aquarium Systems, Mentor, OH, 44060, ISSN 1045-3520

About this report: Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations. Taxonomy, Synonomy, Original description , Word origin and Suggested reading are provided by member(s) of The Breeder’s Registry staff. Information is presented under the belief that it is accurate. If you have information in addition to, or contrary to that presented you are encouraged to contact the Breeder’s Registry. Permission is granted for “one-time” personal use. Reproduction as distributed or accessible media is prohibited without prior written permission. All rights reserved. 1992

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