Hippocampus reidi HIPREI-052097-BOHCAR–0012
The Breeder’s Registry© Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations from aquarist unless noted otherwise (see comments). Information may be reproduced providing the Breeder’s Registry is cited.
Breeder ID: HIPREI-052097-BOHCAR–0012
Date received: 5/20/97
Identification: Hippocampus reidi (Ginsburg 1933 )
Geographic origin: Atlantic
Taxonomy: (after I.C.Z.N.)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Syngnathiformes
Family: Syngnathidae
Genus: Hippocampus
Species: reidi
Duration male(yr): 8
Size male(mm): 140, 80
Duration female (yr): 8
Size female (mm): 100
Broodstock notes: Males more abundant. All showing different body colors; red, orange, brown
Physical differences: Male has pouch
Adult diet: Live Mysid shrimp from wild (collected every other day) feeding is continual
Pre-spawning activity: Males become pale (“whiteness”) and follow female with greater frequency, swimming together for several minutes. Behavior is repeated.
Time spawning began: During the day
Area spawning occurred: near the bottom
Frequency of spawning: twice a month
Egg description: Female “passes” red eggs to males pouch
Approximate quantity: ~250 – 450
Size: ~3 -4 mm
Egg changes / development: males pouch becomes larger during incubation period
Incubation period: 12 days
Time hatching occurred: late at night
Size of hatching larvae: not indicated
Yolk sac present? no, fully formed
Newly hatched appearance: “typical” seahorse shape but with large heads. Attracted towards light
Transfer / removal method: no
Spawning tank size (liter):170 (100 x 75 x 50 cm)
Sides of tank covered? No
Lighting & photo period: Natural ~ 12 hours
Filtration: Reverse undergravel, open system, flow through (no pump).
Additives and dosages: Natural seawater.
Water temperature (F): 81 – 84
Specific gravity: 1.026
pH: 8.1
Nitrate: not indicated
Fry development / changes: Thin bodies with large heads, little swimming activity
First food offered: wild plankton
Second food offered: Artemia nauplii, day 8
1st week(%): 6
2nd week: 5
3rd week: 4
4th week: 3
Development description: Body is growing, such that head and body are a more “normal” proportion. More active swimming and resting on bottom.
Rearing tank size (liter)150 (75 x 50 x 50 cm)
Sides of tank covered? Yes, black
Lighting & photoperiod: natural
Filtration: Pre-filtered (sand filter -> 1 micron -> UV) natural seawater
Additives and dosages: none
Water temperature (F): 80 – 84
Specific gravity: 1.026
pH: 8.01
Nitrate: not indicated
Comments: High mortalities first week. Overall survival very low (3%). 3 day old seahorses exhibit transparent spheres on the body (air bubble) and swim in a circular motion at surface at die, typically 3 days later.
Original description: Ginsburg described Hippocampus reidi in 1933in the Journal of the Washington Acadamy of Science, v. 23(no. 12); ref. Holotype and paratype specimen were collected at St. George, Grenada, British West Indies.
Word origin: The genus Hippocampus (Greek), a fabulous sea monster. hipp, -e, -o, =us, (Greek) a horse. camp, =us, (Greek) , a sea monster. The species reidi is in honor of Reid, who has several other species named in honorium.
About this report: Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations. Taxonomy, Synonomy, Original description , Word origin and Suggested reading are provided by member(s) of The Breeder’s Registry staff. Information is presented under the belief that it is accurate. If you have information in addition to, or contrary to that presented you are encouraged to contact the Breeder’s Registry. Permission is granted for “one-time” personal use. Reproduction as distributed or accessible media is prohibited without prior written permission. All rights reserved. 1997
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