Centropyge resplendens CENRES-111596-STIJAM-002
The Breeder’s Registry© Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations from aquarist unless noted otherwise (see comments). Information may be reproduced providing the Breeder’s Registry is cited.
Breeder ID: CENRES-111596-STIJAM-002
Date received: 11/15/96
Identification: Centropyge resplendens (Lubbock & Sankey, 1975)
Geographic origin: Ascension Islands
Taxonomy: (after I.C.Z.N.)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Osteichthyes
Order Perciformes Superorder Teleostei
Family Pomacanthidae
Genus Centropyge
Species resplendens (Lubbock & Sankey, 1975)
Duration male(yr): 7.0
Size male (mm): 51
Duration female 1 (yr): 7
Size female 1 (mm): 20
Duration female 2 (yr): 7
Size female 2 (mm): 36
Physical differences: No visual difference other than size.
Adult diet: Brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, spirulina flake, algae in tank. Fed every other day
Pre-spawning activity: Male seeks out female and begins “soaring” around her to get her attention.
Time spawning began: Pre-twilight
Area spawning occurred: mid water “soaring”, actual spawning at surface
Frequency of spawning: Nightly
Egg description: Clear egg “droplets”
Approximate quantity: 100 – 200
Size: ~ 0.5 mm
Egg changes / development: no information beyond spawning behavior
Transfer / removal method: not removed, no attempt at rearing
Spawning tank size (liter): 950
Sides of tank covered? Yes, back is black
Lighting & photoperiod: 2 250 watt MH (8 hours), 2 110 watt HO flourescent actinic (10 hour) 1 15 watt Marine-Gro® ( 3 hours) . All controlled by timers
Filtration: Trickle filter, Reef Crystals® and ocean water ~95 liter water changes every two weeks. RO/DI water for make-up and mixing ASW
Additives and dosages: Selco®, Zoe Vitamin supplement®,
Water temperature (F): 76F
Specific gravity: 1.021
pH: 8.2
Nitrate: 0.4 ppm
Comments: As long as there is a difference in size between male and female(s) it is generally quite easy to create a mating pair.
Word origin: Centr, -I, -o (Greek). The center; a point, spur. pygm, (Greek) dwarf. The common name “Pygmy” or Dwarf” angel is apparent from the word root pygm. Centro may be in reference to the spine (spur) at the angle (The center) of the preopercle. The genus resplendens is Latin for glittering. The English word resplendent which is from the Latin word means “filled with splendor, brilliant”
This species was first described by Lubbock & Sankey in 1975 in the Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History; Zoology: Vol 28, No. 5. The specimens were collected in 20 meters of water at the Ascension Islands.
The common name is Resplendent Angel.
About this report: Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations. Taxonomy, Synonomy, Original description , Word origin and Suggested reading are provided by member(s) of The Breeder’s Registry staff. Information is presented under the belief that it is accurate. If you have information in addition to, or contrary to that presented you are encouraged to contact the Breeder’s Registry. Permission is granted for “one-time” personal use. Reproduction as distributed or accessible media is prohibited without prior written permission. All rights reserved. 1996
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