Lysmata wurdemanni LYSWUR-110397-HOLJOA-003

This entry was posted on Monday, November 3rd, 1997 and is filed under Shrimps, Spawning Reports.

The Breeder’s Registry® Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations from aquarist unless noted otherwise (see comments). Information may be reproduced providing the Breeder’s Registry is cited.

Breeder ID: LYSWUR-110397-HOLJOA-003

Date received: 11/3/97

Identification: Lysmata wurdemanni (Gibbes, 1850)

Geographic origin: Caribbean

Taxonomy: (after I.C.Z.N.)

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Chelicerata

Class Malacostraca Subclass Eumalacostraca Super Order Eucarida

Order Decapoda Suborder Pleocyemata Infraorder Caridea

Family Hippolytidae

Genus Lysmata (Risso, 1816)

Species wurdemanni (Gibbes, 1850)

How long have you maintained organism(s): 5 years ;15-20 per tank;

Broodstock notes: The shrimp are secretive in small numbers. Simultaneous hermaphrodites

Physical differences: None

Adult diet: Chopped squid/shrimp/fish or prepared tropical diet (the previous w/ added vitamins and minerals). Fed once/day.

Pre-spawning activity: Little to no preparation. The shrimp were carrying eggs when caught and continued to spawn at will.

Time spawning began: Immediately following molt.

Area spawning occurred: At bottom of tank or on rocks

Frequency of spawning: Every 9-11 days

Egg(s) description: At fertilization, eggs move from ovaries to legs of shrimp. They are light green in color and change to tan before hatch.

Approximate quantity: 600-2000

Size: Eggs are attached to the legs of the shrimp and are oval in shape. They are 2.6 mm at the longest point.

Egg changes/development: Eggs are light green when first fertilized and are carried on the legs of the adult. The eggs become lighter and lighter as they develop. Their color fades to a light tan within 24 h of hatch.

Incubation period: 9-11 days

Time hatching occurred: night

Newly hatched appear: Larvae are often found swimming upside down in the water column. Later stages will rest on the sides and bottom of the rearing chamber. Larvae attracted to light.

Size of hatching larvae: 2.2 mm

Method removal/transfer The adult is moved to a rearing tank before hatch of eggs. After hatch the adult is returned to broodstock tank.

Spawning tank size(Gallons): 30 (Length) 30 in x (Width) 12 in x (Height) 18 in

Are sides or back covered? No, Clear glass

Lighting & photo period: 1 20 watt Sun-Glo® Fluorescent 12 hour. Average distance from surface: 1-2 inches; from organism: 15 inches. Bulbs are changed at burnout.

Filtration: Undergravel filter, 120 lph water turnover every hour

Additives & doses: Filtered seawater from the Aransas Pass, Texas. Dechlorinated water added to keep salinity down.

Water temperature: 26C Fluctuation: 2C

Salinity: 33-36 ppt by refractometer

pH: 7.9-8.2 pH meter

Ammonia: < 0.2 (Avg. 0.06) Photometric methods (Adapted from Spotte 1972, and Solarzano 1969).

Nitrites: < 0.2 (Avg. 0.04) Photometric methods (Adapted from Spotte 1972, and Strickland and Parsons 1972).

Fry development/changes: Stage I, sessile compound eyes; rostrum present and smooth; antennule peduncle unsegmented and shorter than scale of antenna; tail unsegmented, broad and notched, heart-shaped with 7+7 setae.

First food offered: newly hatched Artemia, Twice/day

Second food offered: Ground shrimp at metamorphosis. Twice/day


Week 1: ~80%

Week 2: ~75%

Week 3: ~70%

Week 4: ~63%

Long term survival: 58% survival to metamorphosis

Development description: Peppermint shrimp go through seven stages prior to metamorphosis into postlarvae (PL).

Stage I: sessile compound eyes; rostrum present and smooth; antennule peduncle unsegmented and shorter than scale of antenna; tail unsegmented, broad and notched, heart-shaped with 7+7 setae.

Stage II: Day 3-5. Length 2.7-2.8 mm. Compound eyes on stalks; rostrum smooth; tail unsegmented, broad and notched, heart-shaped with 8+8 setae.

Stage III: Day 6-9. Length 2.8-3.0 mm. Rostrum developing second upper tooth; Free uropod; Exopodite with 10-11 setae; Endopodite with 2 setae; Tail broad and notched, less heart-shaped.

Stage IV: Day 9-11. Length 2.7-3.2 mm. 5th pereopod is elongated with propodus flattened and expanded, oar-shaped; Exopodite with 13-14 setae; Endopodite with 6-8 setae; Tail narrower, 4+4 major setae, notch persists.

Stage V: Day 11-24. Length 3.4-5.4 mm. Rostrum with 2 upper teeth; Uropod equal in length to telson; Exopodite with 20 setae; Endopodite with 13-16 setae; Tail narrower, only slightly notched; Small buds for pleopods.

Stage VI: Day 20-32. Length 5.2-6.8. Rostrum with 2-5 upper teeth; Uropod extends beyond telson; Exopodite with 25 setae; Endopodite with 20 setae; Notch absent in tail, 4 major setae; Pleopods are longer and biramous.

Stage VII: Day 30-40. Length 6.4-9.8 mm. Rostrum with 4-5 upper teeth and one lower; Pleopods with appendix interna.

When did metamorphosis occur? 35+ days

Post Larvae: Day 35+. Length 7.6-10 mm. Larvae are benthic with many of the adult characteristics. Eyes are sessile and oars of 5th pereopod no longer present; pleopods are fully functional.

More details on the different stages can be found in W.D. Compton (1992) Laboratory culture and larval development of the peppermint shrimp, Lysmata wurdemanni Gibbes (Caridea: Hippolytidae). Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Corpus Christi State University, Corpus Christi, Tx.

Spawning tank size(liter): 20 (40 – 60 larvae / liter)

Original Description:

Word origin: Lysmata appears to be from the Greek roots Lys meaning loose and mat, -aeo, -eo, meaning foolish or idle. The species wurdemanni is apparently in reference to (and in honor of) Wurdemann, (unknown) indicated by the Latin genitive ending -i. The literal translation for the genus seems a bit confusing and Lysmata may refer to the cleaner shrimps leaving the substrate (loose) to clean fish capable of eating them (foolish)The order Decapoda means “ten legs” (Deca indicating ten and pod meaning foot. The suborder Pleocyemata is from the Greek root(s); pleo meaning full, more; sail, swim; and cyem, -a, -ato, -I, meaning an embryo. The Infraorder Caridea is from the Latin root cari, -d, =s meaning shrimp The family Hippolytidae are the “cleaner” shrimp.. Hippolytidae appears to be a combination of hippo meaning “horse” and ly another word for loose, and idae being a standard suffix for an animal.

About this report: Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations. Taxonomy, Synonomy, Original description , Word origin and Suggested reading are provided by member(s) of The Breeder’s Registry staff. Information is presented under the belief that it is accurate. If you have information in addition to, or contrary to that presented you are encouraged to contact the Breeder’s Registry. Permission is granted for “one-time” personal use. Reproduction as distributed or accessible media is prohibited without prior written permission. All rights reserved. 1997

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