Amphiprion latezonatus AMPLAT-061892-BELSEA-001

This entry was posted on Thursday, June 18th, 1992 and is filed under Clownfishes, Spawning Reports.

The Breeder’s Registry© Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations from aquarist unless noted otherwise (see comments). Information may be reproduced providing the Breeder’s Registry is cited.

Breeder ID: AMPLAT-061892-BELSEA-001 Date received: 6/18/92

Identification: Amphiprion latezonatus (Waite, 1900)

Geographic origin: Lord Howe Island (southwestern Pacific)

Taxonomy: (after I.C.Z.N.)

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Osteichthyes

Order Perciformes Superorder Teleostei

Family Pomacentridae

Genus Amphiprion

Species latezonatus (Waite, 1900)

Description: Body dark brown with three white bars (stripes). Mid-body bar much wider and tapered at top. Caudal fin dark brown with a pale (whitish) margin. The posterior margin of the dorsal fin may also have a pale margin.

Habitat: This species is most commonly found associated with the host anemone Heteractis crispa.

Duration male(yr): 0.5

Size male (mm):51

Duration female (yr): 0.5

Size female (mm): 76

Physical differences: Female is larger and more robust than male; lighter coloration on dark bars. Sexing by physical appearance is difficult.

Adult diet: Mash (shrimp, marine fish, fish roe, caulerpa, Hypnea spp (red alga), vitamin supplements (HUFA), live Artemia and copepods.

Pre-spawning activity: “Nest” area prepared; increased semi-aggressive contact by the female.

Time spawning began: uncertain

Area spawning occurred: “spawning” tiles.

Frequency of spawning: First spawning

Egg Description: small adhesive mass, 2 – 3 cm across. Enlongated.

Approximate quantity:not indicated

Size: ~ 2.0 mm

Incubation: 9 days

Time hatching occurred: after dusk

Egg changes / development: Darkening; visible eye development

Transfer / removal method: not indicated

Spawning tank size (liter): 100

Sides of tank covered? Not indicated

Lighting & photo period: 2 6000 K fluorescent bulbs.

Filtration: Undergravel filter, skimmer

Additives and dosages: none

Water temperature: 75.5F

Specific gravity: 1.021

pH: 8.2

Nitrate: < 10 ppm

Fry development / changes: not indicated

First Food Offered: rotifers, young and adult, enriched with SELCON®

Survival: 50%

Rearing tank size (liter): 100

Sides covered?: not indicated

Lighting & photo period: 1 6000 K fluorescent

Filtration: Airstones only.

Additives & doses: H & W trace elements®

Water temperature: 75.5 F

Specific gravity: 1.021

pH: 8.2

Nitrate: <10 ppm

Comments: Amphiprion latezonatus was originally described by Waite , Rec. Aust. Mus. v. 3 (no. 7); 1900:201, Pl. 34 from a specimen collected at Lord Howe Island. The species was validated by Allen.

Word origin: Amphiprion is from the Greek roots amph, -I, -o, meaning Around, on both sides; double, and -prion which means a saw. The genus latezonatus from the Latin word lat, -i, meaning broad or wide; zon, -a, meaning a belt, a zone, or a girdle. -tus is a Latin past participle ending. Thus a wide girdle in reference to the wide center bar. This species has been commonly referred to as the “Wide-Band Anemonefish” and / or the “Lord Howe Anemonefish”.

Suggested references: Fautine, D. G., & Allen, G. R., Anemone Fishes and their Host Sea Anemones, Tetra-Press, 1994, 158 pp. ISBN 1-56465-118-5. An excellent discussion of anemonefish and their wild habitats and associations with anemonefish. Hoff, F.H., Conditioning, Spawning and Rearing of Fish with emphasis on Marine Clownfish, Aquaculture Consultants, 1996, 212 pp. Methods and techniques for captive propagation.

About this report: Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations. Taxonomy, Synonomy, Original description , Word origin and Suggested reading are provided by member(s) of The Breeder’s Registry staff. Information is presented under the belief that it is accurate. If you have information in addition to, or contrary to that presented you are encouraged to contact the Breeder’s Registry. Permission is granted for “one-time” personal use. Reproduction as distributed or accessible media is prohibited without prior written permission. All rights reserved. 1999

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