Amphiprion frenatus AMPFRE-071999-CALCHA-007

This entry was posted on Friday, July 9th, 1999 and is filed under Clownfishes, Spawning Reports.

The Breeder’s Registry© Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations from aquarist unless noted otherwise (see comments). Information from this report may be reproduced providing the Breeder’s Registry is cited.

Breeder ID: AMPFRE-071999-CALCHA-007

Date received: 7/19/99

Identification: Amphiprion frenatus (Brevoort, 1856)

Geographic origin: Pacific (Malaysia northwards towards Japan) 

Taxonomy: (after I.C.Z.N.)

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata

Class Osteichthyes

Order Perciformes Superorder Teleostei

Family Pomacentridae

Genus Amphiprion

Species frenatus (Brevoort, 1856)

Description: One of the larger species of anemonefish attaining a maximum length of 140 mm. Females larger than males (typical) with red to blackish coloration on most of body with a single vertical white bar behind the eye . Male is generally redder. Juveniles may have 2 – 3 white bars. Commonly associated with the anemone Entacmaea quadricolor (Rüppell & Leuckart, 1828).

Length of time in captivity- male: 1 year

Size male (mm): 35

Length of time in captivity-female: 1 year

Size female (mm): 60

Adult diet: O.S.I. Marine Flake, ®frozen brine shrimp, 2 times per day.

Pre-spawning activity: not indicated

Time spawning began: 1100 hours

Area spawning occurred: snear anemone on the side of a rock

Frequency of spawning: every 2 weeks

Egg description: 2 cm x 2 cm mass on rock near anemone

Approximate quantity: 100 – 300

Size: ~ 2 mm

Egg changes / development: eggs were initially yellow/orange, then pinkish, then clear

Incubation period: 8 days

Time hatching occurred: night. Many of the eggs disappeared prior to the hatch. Eaten by male (??) only ~ 75 remained the night of the hatch

Transfer / removal method: not attempted  

Spawning tank size (liter): 56 liters ( 15 gallons). 61 cm L x 30 cm W x 30 cm H) (24″ L x 12″ W x 12″ H)

Sides of tank covered? no

Lighting & photo period: 4 – 20 watt 10,000 K flourescent bulbs ~ 12 cm from surface.

Filtration: Whisper and MTC (hang on the back) skimmer.

Additives and dosages: Coralife ® 30% every 2 months

Water temperature (F): 828 ðF

Specific gravity: 1.023

Original description: Brevoort 1856, Perry Exped. v. 2 (fig. 4) from specimens collected at Okinawa, Ryukyu Is., Japan. Based on a drawing. Validated by Allen 1991. Later described as Prochilus polylepis, by Bleeker 1877 in Versl. Akad. Amsterdam (Ser. 2) v. 11 from specimens
collected at Amboina, in southeast New Guinea. Synonym of Amphiprion frenatus.

Word origin: Amphiprion is from the Greek roots amph, -I, -o, meaning Around, on both sides; double, and -prion which means a saw. The genus frenatus is from the Latin root fren, -a, -at, =um, meaning bridle, probably in reference to the single head stripe.

About this report: Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations. Taxonomy, Synonomy, Original description , Word origin and Suggested reading are provided by member(s) of The Breeder’s Registry staff. Information is presented under the belief that it is accurate. If you have information in addition to, or contrary to that presented you are encouraged to contact the Breeder’s Registry. Permission is granted for “one-time” personal use. Reproduction as distributed or accessible media is prohibited without prior written permission. All rights reserved. 1999

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