Meiacanthus grammistes MEIGRA-032094-SOWDAV-001
The Breeder’s Registry® Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations from aquarist unless noted otherwise (see comments). Information may be reproduced providing the Breeder’s Registry is cited.
Breeder ID: MEIGRA-032094-SOWDAV-001
Date received: 3/20/94
Identification: Meiacanthus grammistes (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836?)
Geographic origin: Indo-Pacific
Taxonomy: (after I.C.Z.N.)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Blenniidae
Genus: Meiacanthus
Species: grammistes
Description: A small bottom dwelling (benthic) species. The genus Meiacanthus is one of 31 belonging to the family Blenniidae (combtooth blennies). Burgess lists 11 species, none of which exceed 9 cm. They are “naked” or with modified scales and have a continuous dorsal fin. This species has lateral stripes (blue/black) through most of the body(white); an upper stripe starting on top of the skull extending down the body under the dorsal fin to the base of the caudal fin; a second stripe extending from the blunt snout, through the eye towards the caudal fin; and a lower stripe beginning on the lower jaw and extending towards the caudal fin. The dorsal and anal fin each have a dark stripe like marking. The caudal fin has dark spots. Some photos indicate a slight yellow coloration in the white fields.
Length of time in captivity – male(yr): 0.5
Size male (mm): 90
Length of time in captivity – female (yr): 0.5
Size female (mm): 80
Physical differences: Male has forked caudal fin and taller dorsal fin. Female has rounded abdomen.
Adult diet: Sally’s Marine Cusine®, Artemia, krill. Fed twice daily
Pre-spawning activity: Female approaches males “den” and begins laying eggs. Once female exits male enters and fertilizes eggs. New eggs are laid next to developing eggs.
Time spawning began: dawn and AM
Area spawning occurred: Inside buried snail shell
Frequency of spawning: 3 times 5 – 7 days apart
Egg description: Hot pink , flattened ovals
Approximate quantity: > 300
Size: < 1 mm
Egg changes / development: Eyes begin to develop after a “few” days
Incubation period: not indicated
Time hatching occurred: starting approximately 1.5 hours after dark
Size of hatching larvae: 3.5 mm
Yolk sac present? No
Newly hatched appearance: Large head and eyes with well developed jaws. Phototaxic
Transfer / removal method: Eggs incubated in tank, moved to rearing tank after hatching
Spawning tank size (liter): 37
Sides of tank covered? No
Lighting & photo period: 24 hour low ambient light. Cool white fluorescent 150 mm from surface (14 hours)
Filtration: UGF
Additives and dosages: none, natural seawater used
Water temperature (F): 78
Specific gravity: 1.022
pH: 8.2
Nitrate : < 5 ppm
Fry development / changes: Head has a dark grey pigmentation. As larvae begin to grow they take on a yellow coloration and fuller body.
First food offered: rotifers, copepods, ciliates
Second food offered: Artemia nauplii at day 5
Survival 1st week: 50%
2nd week: 25%
3rd week: 10%
4th week: 10%
Development description: Metamorphosis at day 18. ~ 15 mm in length
Rearing tank size (liter): 75
Sides of tank covered? No
Lighting & photo period: cool white fluorescent ~100mm above surface (14 hours)
Filtration: UGF
Additives and dosages: none
Water temperature (F): 78
Specific gravity: 1.022
pH: 8.0
Nitrate: >20 ppm
Original description: Cuvier & Valenciennes described Blennechisgrammistes, in 1836 in Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 11; ref. 1005. from a single specimen (Holotype) collected in Java. This is the only reference found connecting Cuvier & Valenciennes to a Blenniidae with a species of
Vernacular name(s): Striped blenny, Creamy striped blenny, Grammistes blenny
Word origin: The genus Meiacanthus appears to be from the Greek root(s) mei meaning less; and acanth meaning a spine. (spineless) The genus grammistes is less clear. Two possible combinations (?) are found; from the Latin roots gram meaning grass; and mist meaning a mixing, or from the Greek word gramm meaning a letter or writing; -ist is a superlative ending. Collection notes indicate that the specimens have been collected in areas of coral sand, however no mention of sea grasses are mentioned (grass mixing).
The genus Blennechis is from the Greek roots blenn meaning a kind of fish; and echis meaning a viper or adder. This genus is no longer used.
About this report: Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations. Taxonomy, Synonomy, Original description , Word origin and Suggested reading are provided by member(s) of The Breeder’s Registry staff. Information is presented under the belief that it is accurate. If you have information in addition to, or contrary to that presented you are encouraged to contact the Breeder’s Registry. Permission is granted for “one-time” personal use. Reproduction as distributed or accessible media is prohibited without prior written permission. All rights reserved. 1994
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