Lysmata wurdemanni LYSWUR-111099-BOGSAL-004
The Breeder’s Registry® Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations from aquarist unless noted otherwise (see comments). Information may be reproduced providing the Breeder’s Registry is cited.
Breeder ID: LYSWUR-111099-BOGSAL-004
Date received: 11/10/99
Identification: Lysmata wurdemanni (Gibbes, 1850)
Geographic origin: Caribbean
Taxonomy: (after I.C.Z.N.)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Anthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Decapoda
Infraorder: Caridae
Family: Hippolytidae
Genus: Lysmata
Species: wurdemanni
How long have you maintained organism(s): 2 years (3 animals)
Broodstock notes: Young shrimp do not carry eggs, but may be able to act as males. Mature shrimp can act as males or females and all three (of the animals referred to in this report) carry eggs.
Physical differences: No apparent differences. Identification was based on the fine red stripes on an almost clear-orange background with dark red (almost black) tail and all (10) red legs. There is a white “Y” shaped formation decorating the head from the “chin” to the eyes. Under stress in a white container most of the red fades and the tail and some stripes appear to be blue. A picture of this shrimp appears on plate 481 of the Baensch Marine Atlas. The National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Seashore Creatures depicts a shrimp differing in appearance on pages 613 and 616, but also referred to as Lysmata wurdemanni. It differs in that it has red stripes which circumvent the body at intervals as well as stripes similar to those depicted in Baensch. The animals I have possess no cross bars of this type or placement, although they do sometimes show darker red areas that go over the back area at intervals.
Adult diet: Varied diet; prepared foods, frozen Formula 1®, black worms, freeze dried krill, or live adult brine shrimp or nauplii. Fed once per day.
Pre-spawning activity: Spawning involves internal insemination and occurs shortly after molting of the one which will carry the eggs. An egg carrying shrimp can act as a sperm donor.
Time spawning began: after molting
Area spawning occurred: in a “quiet” are in the tank
Frequency of spawning: Every 10 – 14 days
Egg(s) description: Eggs were amber to pale yellow-green and were held in the swimmerets. (= pleopods)
Approximate quantity: Hundreds
Size: < 1 mm
Egg changes/development: Eggs grew and developed a darker color in the swimmerets until they seemed barely contained and the swimmerets were full all over.
Incubation period: uncertain
Time hatching occurred: usually at night, attracted to light
Size of hatching larvae: <1 mm
Method removal/transfer: When the swimmerets were very full I moved the brooding female to a 4 inch ABS (black plastic plumbing pipe) cylinder 5 inches tall. One end was covered with a fine nylon mesh held on by a large rubber band or plastic ring. The cylinder floated in the adult aquarium with the mesh covered end down and the open end approximately 1 inch above the surface. After the larvae were released the mother (and molt if this occurred) was returned to the adult aquarium.
Spawning tank size(Gallons): not indicated
Are sides or back covered? Only with algal overgrowth
Lighting & photo period: 80 watt fluorescent, 12 – 14 hours replaced as needed.
Filtration: Sponge filter and outside mechanical filter (i. e., Penguin®, with live rock in the filter chamber. Heavy Caulerpa growth. No skimmer. Pumping velocities varied. Water changes occurred bi-weekly to monthly.
Additives & doses: none
Water temperature: 25C (77F) Fluctuation: 2C
Salinity: 1.0215
pH: 8 colorometric test kit
Nitrates: not measured
First food offered: Rotifers, once per day only on first day
Second food offered: Newly hatched Artemia naulplii, fed in the evening (see Zhang D., Lin J., and Creswell R. L., 1998)
Week 1: heavy losses
Week 2: more losses especially between days 11 – 12
Week 3: heavy losses again at day 19
Long term survival: 75% possible if isolated in cylinders which allowed for water changes by lifting the cylinder up and partially out of the water. The other critical issue seems to be the number of brine shrimp nauplii per Zoea. About 50 – 100 seemed best. When too many were fed, some nauplii were not eaten and these quickly lost nutritional value. Zoea which ate these older nauplii might die. The older nauplii might also contribute to water quality decline and/or compete for oxygen. When several Zoea ere kept in a single cylinder cannibalism occurred (however this was not the only cause of death). I made smaller cylinders from 1.5 inch plastic pipe and these would hold 1 – 2 Zoea per cylinder. After the die off during the first week I chose healthy Zoea and placed 2 per cylinder.
Development description: Zoea seem to molt /change stages every 2 – 3 days. There were 7 stages observed.
When did metamorphosis occur? Metamorphosis began on day 33 (3), day 34 (1), and day 40 (3).
About this report: Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations. Taxonomy, Synonomy, Original description , Word origin and Suggested reading are provided by member(s) of The Breeder’s Registry staff. Information is presented under the belief that it is accurate. If you have information in addition to, or contrary to that presented you are encouraged to contact the Breeder’s Registry. Permission is granted for “one-time” personal use. Reproduction as distributed or accessible media is prohibited without prior written permission. All rights reserved. 1999
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