Amblygobius albimaculatus AMBALB-090100-HALJOH-001
Breeder ID: AMBALB-090100-HALJOH-001
Date received: 9/1/00
Identification: Amblygobius albimaculatus (Rüppell, 1830 )
Geographic origin: Indo-pacific
(after I.C.Z.N.)
Description: One of three families presently recognized as “Gobies” (Rhyacichthyidae, Odontobutidae, and Gobiidae). Most have scales, but lack the sensory lateral line on the body found in most fishes. Representatives first appeared (freshwater) in the fossil record during the Eocene ~ 30 to 50 million years ago. This species is similar to the less commonly collected A. bynoensis with more pronounced markings overall but lacks a complete solid horizontal stripe extending from the snout through the lower half of the eye just posterior of the pectoral fin. In some specimens the stripe there may be no body stripes. Body shows bars (banding) in light, dark, or both colors. Fins are typically pigmented and most specimens have a distinct spot on the first dorsal.
Length of time in captivity (yrs): 1
Size (mm): Uncertain as to sex. Smaller fish is ~60 mm and is darker in coloration. Larger fish is ~70 mm
Broodstock notes: none
Physical differences: Unknown, see above.
Adult diet: Artemia, flaked food, blood worms, and krill. Fed 1 – 2 times per day.
Pre-spawning activity: not indicated
Time spawning began: not indicated
Area spawning occurred: Attached under a large rock.
Frequency of spawning: first spawning
Egg description: Large cluster of eggs, white in color. Larger goby is always fanning eggs with tail and very protective
Approximate quantity: egg mass ~ 25 mm x 37 mm (hundreds of eggs)
Size: size of a pin head
Egg changes / development: No other information provided.
Incubation period: 4 days
Time hatching occurred: night
Size of hatching larvae: not indicated
Yolk sac present? not indicated
Newly hatched appearance: not indicated
Transfer / removal method: not removed
Spawning tank size (liter): not indicated
Sides of tank covered? No
Lighting & photo period: 80 watt fluorescent with 13.5 hour photoperiod. 20 watt 50/50 fluorescent with 14 hour photoperiod. Bulbs are ~ 50 mm from surface and changed at 6 – 8 month intervals.
Filtration: Liverock, live sand, Bio-wheel, 2 powerheads with “quick filters” and Seaclone® skimmer. Instant Ocean Reef Crystals® ASW. 20% monthly cahnge
Additives and dosages: none
Water temperature (F): 78
Comments: No additional information provided.
Original description: Originally described by Rüppell, 1830 as Gobius albimaculatus in Fische Rothen Meers. 1828-30 from specimens collected at Massawa, Eritrea, Red Sea. Valid as Amblygobius albimaculatus by Goren 1979, Dor 1984, Prince Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984, Maugé 1986, and Hoese 1986.
Synonym(s): Amblygobius phalaena
Vernacular name: Banded goby
Word origin: The genus Amblygobius from the Greek roots ambl, -y, meaning blunt; and gobius, meaning a kind of fish. The species albimaculatus is from Latin root(s) albi meaning white; and maculatus meaning spotted, variegated, full of spots; The originally described species phalaena is a greek word meaning “a devouring monster” or whale and may be in reference to the shape of the body.
Suggested reading:
About this report: Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations.
Taxonomy, Description, Original description , Word origin and Suggested reading are provided by member(s) of The Breeder’s Registry staff. Information is presented under the belief that it is accurate. If you have information in addition to, or contrary to that presented you are encouraged to contact the Breeder’s Registry. Permission is granted for “one-time” personal use.
Reproduction as distributed or accessible media is prohibited without prior written permission.
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