Amphiprion clarkii – AMPCLA-071292-WILJOY-001
Breeder ID: AMPCLA-071292-WILJOY-001 Date received: 7/12/92 Identification: Amphiprion clarkii (Bennett, 1830) Geographic origin: Indo-pacific Taxonomy:(after I.C.Z.N.) Duration male(yr): 2.0 Size male (mm): 114 Duration female (yr): 2.0 Size female(mm): 127 Broodstock notes: Suspect that a 25% water change on 7/10/92 inspired egg laying. Pair was physically separated 2/92 and re-paired 5/92. First spawn Adult diet: Vitamin coated chopped table shrimp (frozen), krill, cuttlefish, Wardley® flakes, VHP®, Formula One, squid Pre-spawning activity: Cleaning…