
by Tom Lang Welcome to the Breeder’s Registry website. Here we’ve saved all the original Spawning Reports and other content you’ve come to enjoy and reference since Stanley Brown began this work back in 1993. As you may have noticed, visitors to this site are not required to create a user name or password to freely access the BR database. We do offer you the option to join our email…

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Why Studying Marine Larvae is so Important

by Tom Lang In their paper, Coastal pollution limits pelagic larval dispersal, published in Nature Communications on March 8, 2011, co-authors Jon Puritz and Breeder’s Registry co-founder Rob Toonen, Ph.D. of University of Hawaii’s Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology document linkages between human pollution and the lack of genetic diversity of the Bat Star (Patiria miniata) along California’s southern coast. The paper shows how human-caused runoff and effluent are acting…

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Sea Shepherd and Snorkel Bob Join Forces

Hawaii’s Snorkel Bob (aka Robert Wintner) has written a post on the Sea Shepherd blog where he proceeds to blame the collection of reef fishes for the aquarium trade for the decline of Hawaii’s reefs. In his very first paragraph, however, he describes an extremely common non-Hawaiian (and often aquarium-bred) species: “The tentative hobbyist with a ten-gallon tank and one anemone clownfish as seen in Finding Nemo stays in briefly, because anemone clownfish die soon in a small tank.”

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Hawaii State Senator Seeks Ban on Tropical Fish Collection

Hawaii Senator Josh Green, M.D. (D-Kohala/Kona). a member of four powerful committees including Commerce and Consumer Protection as well Energy and Environment, says he will be introducing a bill in the Hawaii State Legislature to ban collection of all tropical fish in Hawaiian waters.

According to an Associated Press story, Sen. Green says the ban is needed because the numbers of fish around the Big Island and Maui have decreased. The story also quotes the Senator as saying it’s time to restore the Gold Coast – a reference to the formerly huge numbers of Yellow Tangs that populated the western coast of the Big Island of Hawaii, making the water appear “golden” at times due to their numbers.

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Wild Caught vs. Aquarium Breeding Controversy Heats Up

The Breeder’s Registry has been promoting aquarium breeding of marine fishes and invertebrates since 1992. From the very beginning, there were those in the hobby who expressed concern that if we increased the domestic production of these animals to a great extent, the fishers on the coral reefs would be out of work. Here we are 18 years later and the importation of wild caught aquarium fish and coral still continues to increase. Yet the controversy persists.

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Oxymonacanthus longirostris OXYLON-101409-PEDMAT-001

Breeder: Matthew W. Pedersen Date posted: 10/14/2009 The Breeder’s Registry data contained in this report are taken from submitted observations from the aquarist unless otherwise noted (see comments). Information may be reproduced provided The Breeder’s Registry is cited. Spawning Report for: Oxymonacanthus longirostris (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) Reference used for scientific name: https://www.fishbase.in/summary/Oxymonacanthus-longirostris.html Common names: Harlequin Filefish, Orangespotted Filefish, Longnose Filefish. Geographic origin: Indo-Pacific ______________________________________________ Taxonomy: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class:…

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Amphiprion ocellaris AMPOCE-100509-WARCLI-009

The Breeder’s Registry© Information contained in this report is taken from submitted observations from aquarist unless noted otherwise (see comments). Information may be reproduced providing the Breeder’s Registry is cited. Breeder ID: AMPOCE-100509-WARCLI-009 Date posted: 10/3/2009 Identification: Amphiprion ocellaris (Cuvier, 1830) Common name: Common Clownfish (this report describes Black and White Ocellaris) Geographic origin: Indo-Pacific Taxonomy: (after I.C.Z.N.) Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Class Osteichthyes Order Perciformes Superorder Teleostei Family Pomacentridae Genus…

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