About The Breeder’s Registry

Centralized information source on the aquarium propagation of marine organisms

Octopus embryos by James B. Woods, Ph.D. What is now maintained primarily as a historical website database by the nonprofit 501(c)(3) Aquarius Aquarium Institute of Fresno, California began as “something that seemed like a good idea” in 1993.

The BR became formally established in 1994 as a nonprofit educational and environmental organization. Founders were Stanley Brown, Joyce Wilkerson and Ron Shimek working primarily with hobbyist breeders who were willing to document their early successes with propagation of marine species in their home aquariums.

The objectives from the start were to promote maquaculture (marine aquarium aquaculture) – the aquarium propagation of marine organisms.

Information was seen as a vital central force for maquaculture to be successful. This success would assist an eventual decrease in harvesting of wild organisms for the marine aquarium trade.

A database was developed to compile individual observations about spawning behaviors, larval rearing, and general husbandry. A comparison of the individual reports would begin to identify common or typical behaviors, ranges for physical parameters could be recorded, and by incorporating multiple reports a “profile” could be constructed.

The strength of the database would be built upon the differences of the observers; what one individual thought significant might be overlooked by another.

The database is approaching one hundred species and the Breeder’s Registry website furthers the nonprofit objective of making information freely accessible.

This is all made possible by the financial contributions of supporting members. The Breeder’s Registry is operated entirely by a volunteer staff.

Historically, much of what is known today about reproductive behaviors and culturing techniques for marine ornamental species has been contributed to science by home aquarists who live side by side with these animals each day.

Descriptions of conditions, methods, and techniques being employed in rearing and propagating marine species are documented in the Breeder’s Registry database as are observations concerning species-specific spawning habits, aquarium conditions, larval rearing attempts, sexual and asexual propagation attempts and problem areas associated with various species (such as larval foods).

Scientific (Latin) names are used as the primary means of identifying species. We know this may be a bit intimidating for the newer hobbyist, but it is the way the world describes the same animal regardless of language and is designed to avoid common name confusion. We support this system and wish to familiarize all aquarists with its use. Besides, with a quick Google search, common names for species listed are easily accessible to everyone.

Although there is no Spawning Report validation process in place nor are submitted reports subject to a formal peer review, BR staff selects reports for publication here that are, at the very least, plausible and also helpful toward advancing the cause of aquarium propagation. Therefore, some submitted reports may be rejected or returned for more information – but this bar is admittedly very low. It is our belief that “anecdotal” information can prove to be quite valuable when viewed within a larger body of information.

As each person builds on the previous person’s experiences, perhaps we will amass the knowledge to make aquarium propagation and rearing of most all saltwater aquarium species a common occurrence, just as it is for freshwater.